Brunet is here to help you find tips and services to support your wellness, your way.

Healthy skin Healthy mind Healthy body


Healthy mind

Are you an anxious person? Have you been feeling stressed? Do you have trouble sleeping? We can help you get back to feeling like yourself.

Soins peau bien-être

Skincare that supports your wellness

Routine matinale de maquillage

Morning makeup routine

Les bienfaits des vitamines pour la peau et le visage

Vitamins: benefits to your skincare routine


Healthy mind

Are you an anxious person? Have you been feeling stressed? Do you have trouble sleeping? We can help you get back to feeling like yourself.

Reconnaître la charge mentale et s’en débarrasser

How to recognize and lighten your mental load

Méditez, respirez, relaxez… c’est bon pour vous!

Meditate, breath, relax... it’s good for you!

6 gestes à poser le matin pour se sentir bien toute la journée

6 morning routine tips to feel good all day


Season 1, episode 4 (French only)
À dormir debout : les mythes sur l’insomnie

«Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disorder. It affects 3 out of 4 people, regardless of age. Stress is one of the main things that can disrupt sleep, but insomnia can also be due to environmental or lifestyle factors.»


Healthy body

Our bodies need physical activity, a good diet, and proper hydration to stay healthy. You can rely on our advice and support to maintain your physical wellness.

Reconnaître la charge mentale et s’en débarrasser

The benefits of running

Méditez, respirez, relaxez… c’est bon pour vous!

Being properly hydrated for better performance

6 gestes à poser le matin pour se sentir bien toute la journée

15 myths about nutrition

Supporting your family’s wellness

Brunet pharmacist-owners are your and your family’s partners in wellness. They can answer your questions and help guide you on your wellness journey.

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Season 3, episode 4 (French only)
Allaitement : mythes et réalités

« To breastfeed or not to breastfeed is a deeply personal decision. As pharmacists, our job is always to listen without judgment, support the mother’s decision, and offer advice on the best way to do it. »

True or false?

Oily skin is more acne-prone than dry skin.

Bouton Vrai Bouton Faux

Blue light from screens can affect the sleep cycle.

Bouton Vrai Bouton Faux

Running can damage the bones.

Bouton Vrai Bouton Faux
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