Power yoga demystified

The start of each new season brings a wind a change (especially when the season happens to be fall!) With it comes a feeling of renewal that drives us to make changes to our routine or try new activities. It’s a good idea to be active in a new way, as a bit of variety can work miracles on your motivation. As an added bonus, mixing things up when it comes to working out challenges your body in new ways so that it must work harder to adapt, which helps you get in even better shape. When the temperature begins to dip in the coming weeks, we suggest you choose activities that warm you up and put you in a good mood! Today, we introduce you to Power yoga.

Power yoga demystified

Reasons to do yoga

First off, you should know that yoga is more than just a trendy practice that involves twisting yourself into a pretzel as you attempt poses with names you can hardly pronounce! Utkatasanaaaaaaa! Yoga is a wonderful sport that benefits both the body and mind. According to numerous studies, practicing yoga may improve heart health, reduce hypertension, anxiety, depression and insomnia and boost overall strength and flexibility! Other studies show a correlation between yoga and reduced lower back pain. Not bad at all, right off the bat! Now let's see what Power yoga is all about.

Mixing things up when it comes to working out challenges your body in new ways so that it must work harder to adapt, which helps you get in even better shape.

What is Power yoga?

Power yoga, also known as Vinyasa yoga, is a happy combination of dynamic movements, deep breathing and meditation. The poses in Power yoga are linked in a fast sequence and worked in conjunction with the breath for a well-rounded workout.

If your goal is to work on flexibility, but you also want to build strength through low-impact exercise, Power yoga might just be the perfect match for you. There’s a yoga variety for every personality type! For its part, Power yoga is athletic and vigorous and often appeals to those of an athletic bent who enjoy the practice’s strength and endurance building as well as dynamic rhythm. Additionally, those who like a fast-paced workout also get the traditional benefits of yoga such as feeling calmer and less stressed and better sleep. In short, if you’re looking to burn calories and expend energy, you’ll be well served with a Power yoga class! But, be careful...

Taking care of your body also means listening to it. In yoga, this translates to focusing on proper alignment rather than attempting advanced or Instagram-worthy poses.

Tips to enjoy Power yoga safely

We asked our favorite yoga teacher and H2UP founder, Aurélie Vachon, what advice she would give a yogi who is curious about trying Power yoga. Straightaway, she stressed how important it is to listen to your body. “Power yoga can be a very intense workout, and some poses are also technically challenging. When you’re in the heat of the action, it can be easy to forget to maintain 'safe' alignment during poses. If you feel any discomfort in certain poses, you should come out of the pose immediately,” she says.

Taking care of your body also means listening to it. In yoga, this translates to focusing on proper alignment (positioning your body to avoid injuries and maximize the benefits of a pose) rather than attempting advanced or Instagram-worthy poses. Remember, too, that you can stop at any time and come out of an uncomfortable position or rest in child's pose!

A sequence you can do at home

If reading this article has inspired you to give yoga a try, here’s a sequence you can do at home! You can also perform the poses on their own, if you prefer!

A sequence you can do at home A


Chloé Rochette, Personal Trainer  |   HappyFitness

Sport has always been a part of Chloe’s life and she became a coach to share, with as many people as possible, the happiness it has brought to her. A dancer, skier and former triathlete, she is now a personal trainer and founder of Le Mouvement HappyFitness—a company with which she hopes to make a difference in people's lives by showing them the joys of being active and healthy.

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Power yoga demystified

The start of each new season brings a wind a change (especially when the season happens to be fall!) With it comes a feeling of renewal that drives us to make changes to our routine or try new activities. It’s a good idea to be active in a new way, as a bit of variety can work miracles on your motivation.
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