Lise Watier Neiges
100 ml
What makes an award-winning fragrance? Well, it should be fresh. Breezy. And deliciously alluring. Its light, sunny, exhilarating overtones should blend perfectly with its dark, sensuous, musky undertones. Oh yes, and it should definitely send out shivers of pure delight! Our award-winning Eau de Toilette Neiges perfectly captures the exquisite magic and purity of winter with a unique bouquet of white hyacinth, lily of the valley, Christmas rose, night-blooming jasmine, magnolia and orange blossom. Go ahead. Discover Neige Eau de Toilette Spray and put all the candles and the icing back on enticing!
A fragrance with light, exhilarating overtones that blend perfectly with dark, musky undertones.