
The CONTOUR®NEXT GEN and CONTOUR®NEXT ONE smart meters and app system are designed to help you self-manage your diabetes


Easy to use. Fast results

Simple to set up and easy-to-use. Get your results in 5 seconds.


Simple & Intuitive

The smartLIGHT feature provides you with an instant indicator of your blood glucose results so you know whether they are within (green), above (yellow), or below (red) your target range.1,2 92% of users surveyed think it is quicker and easier to interpret their blood glucose readings using the smartLIGHT™ feature, compared to those that did not.2


Highly accurate4

Offering remarkably accurate1,2 results that go beyond Canadian industry standards†‡§


Saves strips with Second-Chance® Sampling technology

Second-Chance® sampling allows you to reapply more blood to the same test strip when the first sample is not enough1,2, to help you waste fewer strips6


Connects to the free CONTOUR®DIABETES app

The free CONTOUR®DIABETES app is available to support diabetes self-management, adding insight and meaning to the results

  • Easy to use: Syncs automatically with the meter to upload all blood glucose readings to an electronic diary
  • Easy to understand: My Patterns helps identify trends in blood glucose results and sends notifications of potential causes
  • Easy to share: The blood sugar diary report can be sent prior to, or shared during, an appointment with the healthcare professional

  1. CONTOUR®NEXT ONE BGMS User Guide 90002727 Rev. 11/18.
  2. CONTOUR®NEXT GEN Blood Glucose Monitoring System User Guide, Rev. 09/20.
  3. Ascensia Diabetes Care. Data on file. Smartson online survey, Sweden 2017. 352 respondents: People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, over 18 years old, who tested at least 4-7 times a day. Participants received free meter and tests strips. Survey funded by Ascensia Diabetes Care.
  4. Christiansen, M. et coll. A New, Wireless-enabled Blood Glucose Monitoring System That Links to a Smart Mobile Device: Accuracy and User Performance Evaluation. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2017; 11(3) : 567-573.
  5. Organisation internationale de normalisation. In vitro diagnostic test systems – requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus (ISO 15197). Organisation internationale de normalisation, Genève, Suisse, 2013.
  6. Richardson JM et al. Clinical Relevance of Reapplication of Blood Samples During Blood Glucose Testing. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting (DTM); November 12-14, 2020.

†Current regulation based on Health Canada recognized ISO 15197:2013 standard requires results within ±15%range, specifically: ≥95% of results must fall within ±0.83 mmol/L for blood glucose concentrations < 5.55 mmol/L and within ±15% for blood glucose concentrations ≥5.55 mmol/L.4

‡CONTOUR® NEXT ONE meter meets ±10% accuracy vs. laboratory method, specifically: 97.4% of results within±10% for blood glucose concentrations ≥5.55 mmol/L, and 100% of results within ±0.56 mmol/L accuracy vs. laboratory method for blood glucose concentrations < 5.55 mmol/L.1

§ In a clinical study, conducted in accordance with the requirements of ISO 15197:2013, the CONTOUR®NEXTONE not only met and exceeded the minimum requirements of the standard but an ad hoc analysis determined where 95% of results fell during the study, which was within ±0.47 mmol/L or ±8.4% of the laboratory reference value for glucose concentrations < 5.55 mmol/L or ≥5.55 mmol/L, respectively, when tested via subject obtained capillary fingertip results (patients).1,3

* On a compatible Android or iOS device. For a list of compatible devices, please visit

** With purchase of CONTOUR®NEXT test strips

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