Tips in alphabetical order
- The ABC’s of proper preparation for physical activity
- Abdominal Obesity: 4 Winning Strategies!
- Addiction in teenagers
- Adolescence: a period of changes
- Age-related maculopathy: looking towards the future
- Aim for success with nicotine-replacement therapies
- Air conditioning and health: 3 precautions to take
- Alcohol and medication: a dangerous mix?
- All about calcium in 5 questions/answers
- All about poison ivy
- All the services offered in our pharmacies
- Alzheimer’s disease and treatment
- Anatomy of a perfect buddha bowl
- Angina: 5 risk factors to watch out for
- Anti-aging tips: fighting wrinkles with diet
- Antidepressants: how to manage their side effects
- Aphrodisiac foods: myth or fact?
- Are they gluten-free?
- Arthritis pain or muscle pain: how to tell the difference?
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- The baby blues and post-partum depression
- The Basics on COVID 19
- Beer and other alternatives: 4 non-alcoholic drinks worth trying
- Being properly hydrated for better performance
- Benefits of maintaining a healthy body weight
- The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids
- The benefits of probiotics
- The benefits of running
- The best strategy to lose weight
- Beware of diets!
- Bipolar disorder: when your mood is a roller-coaster
- Birth control: Making sense of the options
- BMI. Make it your ally!
- Breakfast ideas: quick and simple recipes for the morning rush
- Breast cancer: beyond the pink ribbon
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding problems, the other side of the coin
- Cancer and pain
- Cannabis FAQs: Our experts answer your questions
- Cannabis: How can my pharmacist help me?
- Caring for oily skin
- Caring for your skin during menopause
- Cataracts
- Celebrate women, celebrating mothers
- Celiac disease
- Cervical cancer
- Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- Your child has diarrhea? No need to panic.
- My child suffers from seasonal allergies
- Children: 5 tips to take good care of their small teeth
- Children’s health: 5 reasons to talk to your pharmacist
- Chlamydia and gonorrhea
- Choose matcha, and make the most of your holidays
- Choosing the right blood-glucose monitor
- Choosing the right medication for seasonal allergies
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Cleaning out your medicine cabinet in 4 steps
- A close look at 4 types of humidifiers
- A closer look at ophthalmic migraines
- Cold or flu? 9 ways to tell them apart
- Cold sores
- Colorectal cancer
- Combating sedentary lifestyles: a health priority
- Compliance with drug therapy
- Compression stockings: from bottom to top!
- Condoms: 10 rules to ensure peace of mind
- Contraception: Do you know your options?
- COPD treatment: to keep your breath
- Coughing
- COVID-19 testing: An overview
- COVID-19: What does "flattening the curve" mean?
- Cradle cap, or infantile seborrheic dermatitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Cystic fibrosis: how to recognize this little-known illness
- The daily care of children: an important responsibility
- The DASH diet: controlling blood pressure with healthy eating
- Dehydrated skin: the food you need for beautiful skin
- Dental Care: 5 ways to have a perfect smile
- Depression: an illness that can be treated
- Diabetes and diet: how to make the right choices
- Diabetes and oral medication
- Diabetes symptoms and complications
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Digestive ulcers
- Do you get enough calcium?
- The domino effect of happiness / A recap of the Lolë White tour!
- Don’t let asthma take your breath away
- Drug interactions: 7 things you need to know
- Dry eye syndrome (Keratitis sicca)
- Dry hair? The food you need for fabulous hair.
- Dry mouth no more
- Eat superfoods
- Eating disorders in teenagers
- Eating well with Canada’s Food Guide!
- Eczema: more than just an itch
- The effects of sugar on the body: 7 myths debunked
- The egg: the food with (almost) super powers!
- Electronic cigarettes: a highly controversial trend
- Endorphins: why physical activity can help you quit smoking for good!
- Epilepsy
- Esophageal and stomach disease
- Everything you need to know about wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Excess weight and health problems
- Exercise: a way to treat diabetes
- Fall prevention: when you can avoid the worst
- Female sexual dysfunction or sexual problems in women
- Fever and pain in children
- First aid for children
- First-aid kits for practical parents
- Fitness: 3 ways to exercise in front of the TV
- Five tips to stay healthy during the COVID-19 crisis
- Five warm-weather rules for savvy runners
- Flavoured water: jazz up your water to stay hydrated
- Flu vaccine
- Folic acid: essential for a healthy pregnancy and baby
- Food allergies
- Food and gluten allergies: finding the right substitutes
- Food trends – what movie stars love
- Four easy exercises to undo the effects of Holiday excess!
- Gastroenteritis in children
- Gastroesophageal reflux: when acid ruins the day
- Genital herpes: a hidden disease
- Gestational diabetes
- Get inspired by our Canadian athletes to improve your workouts
- Getting back in shape: how to stay motivated
- Getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B
- Glaucoma... Objective: "Seeing clearly!"
- Gluten intolerance and other digestive problems: the importance of exercise
- Going through pregnancy during a pandemic
- Got hemorrhoids? Your pharmacist is there to help!
- Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: Everything parents need to know
- Happy Fitness takes on health challenges for the Lolë White Tour
- The harmful effects of second-hand smoke
- The harmful effects of smoking on health and well-being
- Hay fever and allergies: how the food you eat can reduce your symptoms
- Headache or migraine: how to tell the difference
- Health issues for travellers
- Healthy Aging: 6 reasons to consult your pharmacist
- Healthy BBQ cooking
- A healthy pregnancy
- A healthy waist circumference for a healthy lifestyle
- Healthy, original burgers: 5 must-try recipes
- Heart disease and stroke
- Hepatitis and travel
- HIV and AIDS
- Home-care support services
- Hot flashes in menopause: more than just a heat wave
- Hot flashes: fighting fire with food
- How can you effectively self-isolate?
- How physical activity aids our immune system
- How to avoid contagion at home as lockdown measures are lifted
- How to care for your inner beauty
- How to cope with urinary leakage
- How to keep up your good spirits this fall
- How to keep your baby warm and safe during cold weather?
- How to lose weight: 5 misconceptions about exercise and nutrition
- How to mitigate the effects of cancer treatments on your skin
- How to prevent and eliminate head lice?
- How to recognize and lighten your mental load
- How to reduce dark spots?
- How to stay healthy after andropause
- How to stay healthy while working remotely from home
- How to support someone who has cancer
- How to treat acne?
- How to treat insomnia?
- How to treat sleep disorders with melatonin
- How to use ophthalmic medication
- How to work out like a celebrity
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and its vaccines
- Hypertension: the silent killer
- Hypoglycemia: avoiding low blood sugar
- Hypothyroidism: when the body’s metabolism slows down
- Learn more about vegetarianism!
- Lend an ear to auditory health
- Let saffron transport you to exotic places
- Let’s talk about oral health issues!
- Lifestyle changes for healthy living and long-term results
- Light therapy and its benefits
- Living with Alzheimer’s disease
- Living with migraines
- Living with osteoarthritis
- Living with seasonal allergies
- Loneliness among the elderly: preventing isolation
- Lung cancer: the facts
- Lyme disease: Symptoms and treatment
- Malaria
- Male sexual health: Away with the taboos!
- Mammograms: What to expect?
- The many benefits of vitamin D
- Meal replacements
- Medication and grapefruit juice: not always a good mix!
- Medication and pregnancy
- Medication under the sun
- Medication-induced headaches
- Medications that lower cholesterol
- Meditate, breath, relax... it’s good for you!
- Menopause: learn to live with it!
- Menstrual cramps: a woman’s affliction
- Mobility aids are there to help
- Monitoring blood pressure: a crucial measure
- Mosquitoes: keep them at bay!
- Motion sickness
- Mouth ulcers
- Myths and facts that will help you get back in shape
- Panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia: it’s more than just stress!
- Perlèche (Angular cheilitis/Cheilosis)
- Power yoga demystified
- Preeclampsia
- Pregnancy tests: how to choose and use one
- Pregnancy: 5 good reasons to tell your pharmacist!
- The pregnant woman’s diet
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Preventing obesity in teenagers
- Preventing suicide among adolescents
- Prostate Cancer
- Protecting yourself from the sun’s rays
- Psoriasis
- Say yes! Having sex is excellent exercise!
- Schizophrenia broken down in 3 points
- Schizophrenia: 3 ways to treat this strange disease
- Seasonal depression: causes, symptoms and treatments
- Sensitive teeth: 8 ways to relieve and prevent
- Serious allergies and anaphylaxis
- Sexual side effects of medication
- Shedding light on hormones during menopause
- Shingles
- Sinusitis: how to prevent and relieve symptoms?
- Skin cancer
- Sleep equals health!
- Small Fruits With Great Powers
- Small lexicon of digestive disorders during pregnancy
- Smoking cessation: good for body and mind
- Some key advice for controlling your asthma
- Spotlight on rheumatoid arthritis
- Staying on track with your health goals even while on vacation
- Store your medication as directed
- Straight Facts on 3 Types of Sports Supplements
- Strategies to fight insomnia
- Strategies to manage and reduce stress
- Stress and its impact on your health
- Stress: a social issue
- Stroke: sudden, but with lasting consequences
- Summer fitness: 5 pool exercises
- The sun: friend or foe?
- Support for smoking cessation
- Swimmer’s ear
- Take care of your nose and breathe easy!
- Take charge of your health with the "breast awareness" approach
- Taking care of eczema-prone skin
- Testosterone: an essential hormone to male sexuality
- Tips and tricks to boost your memory
- Tips and tricks to maintain healthy eyes
- Tips for a healthy diet
- Tips for a safe and happy Halloween!
- Tips for building your resistance to stress
- Tobacco cessation: relapse prevention
- Tools for organizing medications (pill organizers and other accessories…)
- Traveller’s diarrhea
- Travelling with prescription medication
- Treating acne: down with pimples!
- Treating asthma to breathe more easily
- Treating bipolar disorder: to stay on the right course
- Treating cholesterol with more than medication
- Treating epilepsy
- Treating glaucoma
- Treating psoriasis
- The treatment of anxiety disorders
- The treatment of hypertension
- The treatment of osteoporosis
- Treatments for cystic fibrosis
- Turn your favourite dishes into healthy meals!
- Ulcerative colitis
- Understand the difference between cold, flu, gastroenteritis and COVID-19
- Understanding Alzheimer’s disease
- Understanding and demystifying eating disorders
- Understanding and treating sunburn
- Understanding osteoporosis
- Understanding perimenopause
- Update on cholesterol
- The use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes
- Using inhalers to treat asthma
- Vaccination against traveller’s diarrhea
- Vaccines for children: an effective measure of prevention
- Vaccines in preparation for a trip
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal Yeast Infections: 4 Things to Know
- Various ways to prevent and treat constipation
- Vitamin A and beta-carotene, a must for your eyes
- Vitamin A and beta-carotene: Everything you need to know
- Vitamin D supplements for newborn children
- Vitamin-packed vegetables to reach for when the weather gets cold
- Vitiligo: when skin loses its pigmentation
- Warning: sensitive skin
- Warts
- Watch your salt intake
- Ways in which you can prevent and treat hypertension
- Weight-loss resources
- What can you do when your child refuses to eat?
- What do you know about testicular cancer?
- When a parent is sick: tips to keep the kids busy
- When food becomes a chore! Gluten intolerance and celiac disease
- When your bowels are acting up...
- Why you should eat soy, and how to integrate it into your diet
- Winning tips to help you get ready for your sporting event
- 10 dentist’s tips for spectacular oral health!
- 10 good reasons to quit smoking
- 10 inexpensive ingredients for low-budget meals
- 10 rules to sleep better
- 10 tips for eating more fruit
- 10 tips for staying active and healthy
- 10 tips to lose weight efficiently
- 10 tips to maintain good mental health
- 10 tips to prevent and treat eczema
- 10 tips to say goodbye to dry skin
- 11 tips to quit smoking or vaping
- 11 tips to quit smoking or vaping
- 15 myths about nutrition
- 2 health problems linked to heat and how to treat them
- 20 good habits that can help you stay healthy
- 20 small joys that will warm the hearts of mothers
- 3 activities you can do with your dog
- 3 exercises for a flatter stomach
- 3 family activities to do this fall
- 3 healthy resolutions !
- 3 homemade pumpkin spice latte recipes
- The 3 Main Causes of Hair Loss
- 3 Questions About Andropause
- 3 questions about cholesterol
- 3 rules to enjoy healthy air conditioning
- 3 tips for cooking healthy while camping
- 3 tips for disconnecting from the online world and reconnecting with what matters the most
- 3 tips for recovering after a marathon
- 3 tips to eat better
- 3 tips to help you recover from the holidays
- 4 Activities to Celebrate Easter
- 4 activities to try during March break
- 4 easy smoothie recipes to jumpstart your mornings
- 4 effective ways to get whiter teeth and the smile you’ve always wanted
- 4 exams recommended for women
- 4 food allergy precautions to take for your children
- 4 fun family activities to do during spring break
- 4 good reasons to stay physically active in retirement
- 4 health essentials to take on vacation
- 4 health tips for a memorable Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
- 4 healthy and fun brunch ideas
- 4 heart-healthy foods
- 4 important things to know about heart attacks
- 4 myths about nutrition
- 4 outdoor activities to stay active with friends this summer
- 4 outdoor activities to try this spring!
- 4 Questions to Better Understand Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- 4 questions to help detect breast cancer by yourself
- 4 rules to keep your food safe this summer
- 4 tips for adding a dose of happiness to your daily routine with baby
- 4 tips for benefiting from the power of foods
- 4 tips for staying active this winter with your family
- 4 tips for travellers
- 4 tips to cure chicken pox
- 4 tips to ease into the time change
- 4 tips to prepare your skin for the sun
- 4 tips to sleep better during the holidays
- 4 tips to start the year on the right foot
- 4 ways to prevent a heart failure
- 4 ways to relieve teething pain
- 5 answers to 5 questions about cavities
- 5 Chronic Hair Loss Myths
- 5 daily actions to get back in shape
- 5 exercises to strengthen your muscles quickly
- 5 exercises to tone your neck
- 5 facts about sports every woman should know
- 5 healthy snacks that are made for boys’ night
- 5 new trends in active living in 2016
- 5 oral health problems to watch out for
- 5 original physical activities to try in Quebec
- 5 outdoor activities to try this spring
- 5 packing essentials for healthy travel
- 5 Potential Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
- 5 questions about frostbite
- 5 questions to demystify depression
- 5 rules to enjoy summer sports to the max
- 5 secrets to surviving the excesses of the holidays
- 5 sexually transmitted diseases to watch our for
- 5 snacks to bring to festivals
- 5 strategies to enjoy outdoor activities despite allergies
- 5 summer fruits and veggies to (re)discover
- 5 things to know about GAD, generalized anxiety disorder
- 5 things to know about the role of your pharmacist
- 5 things you must know about sexual health and medication
- 5 tips for dealing with perspiration
- 5 tips for eating well for people who don’t like healthy foods
- 5 tips for managing screen time
- 5 tips for relieving menstrual pain
- 5 tips for staying healthy during extreme cold spells
- 5 Tips on How to Prevent Problems Related to Andropause
- 5 tips to better live with celiac disease
- 5 tips to better manage your stress
- 5 tips to boost your immune system
- 5 tips to get the most out of winter sports
- 5 tips to help you get back into your routine
- 5 tips to sleep better
- 5 tips to tackle seasonal depression
- 5 trending foods in 2016
- 5 ways to manage stress over the holidays
- 5 winter activities to help you stay active this season
- 6 essentials for healthy travel
- 6 facts about mental illness in young people
- 6 health resolutions you’ll actually be able to keep this year
- 6 healthy snack ideas for your summer outings
- 6 morning routine tips to feel good all day
- 6 myths and 1 fact about ADHD
- 6 myths and realities about teeth
- 6 questions to ask yourself before choosing a method of contraception
- 6 Questions to Better Understand Diabetes
- 6 questions to help you better understand sleep apnea
- 6 refreshing lifestyle habits
- 6 secrets for good sexual health
- 6 things to know about posttraumatic stress disorder
- 6 tips to be better organized
- 6 tips to kiss snoring goodbye
- 6 tips to make the best use of your medication
- 6 tips to prevent hypertension
- 6 tips to stay healthy during the holidays!
- 6 truths about aneurysms
- 6 ways to create a fun and healthy lunch box
- 6 ways to deal with menopause daily
- 7 ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day
- 7 questions to better understand celiac disease
- 7 questions to get rid of head lice
- 7 things your pharmacist can do for you
- 7 tips to avoid heartburn
- 7 ways to prevent drug intoxications
- 7 ways to relieve hot flashes during menopause
- A 7-minute workout routine for the Holidays
- 8 answers to your questions about vitamins and minerals
- 8 facts that will motivate you to start exercising
- 8 glasses of water a day—myth or fact?
- 8 good habits for getting rid of germs
- 8 original ideas to stay active this summer
- 8 tips to keep your bones strong
- 8 tips to prevent and treat hemorrhoids
- 8 useful tips to avoid sunstroke
- 9 food combinations that offer incredible health benefits
- 9 ways to avoid urinary tract infections