Vendredis Gratuits
Free Fridays exclusively for moi members

How to take advantage of Free Fridays?

Don’t miss these upcoming Free Fridays

Got questions about Free Fridays?

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I'm not a member of the Moi program, can I still get the free product?

No, Free Fridays are exclusively for Moi program members. But don’t worry. Just download the Brunet & Moi app or visit, join the program and add your coupon to your card on Free Fridays to take advantage of the upcoming offer. If the activation Friday has already passed, just download the app in time for the next Free Friday offer.

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I have the Moi card, but I don't have the Jean Coutu & Moi app yet. Can I still take advantage of the promotion?

No. You have to add the coupon to your card in the Brunet & Moi app or on the website on the Friday before the transaction to take advantage of the offer.

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Can you get more than one free item?

No. You can only use the coupon once. After it’s been used, it will be removed from the list of coupons on your app. If you’ve already used your Free Friday coupon and make a 2nd purchase of the same product, you’ll be billed at the product's current retail price.

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Can I send someone else to pick up my free item?

No. As stated in the legal text on the coupon, you must show your physical plastic Moi card or your digital Moi card to the cashier to claim your offer.

Conditions of use:

This coupon must be added to the member’s Moi card on activation Friday, and it can only be used from Friday to the following Thursday (inclusively). Depending on the item that’s offered, no substitutions are allowed. To use this coupon, the product must be added to the transaction, the conditions must be met, and the member must show their Moi card to the cashier. Limit of one use of this coupon for the duration of the promotion. This coupon is not transferable or redeemable for cash. No purchase necessary. While supplies last. This coupon excludes certain products as outlined in the terms and conditions of the Moi program. Visit for complete information. Moi is a registered trademark of Metro Inc.

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