Take a chance to win big !

How to participate (with purchase)
1. Make a purchase in a Participating Brunet.
2. Present your Moi card at the cash desk. Download the app to participate in stores.
3. Take a chance to win big !
How to participate (No-purchase entry)
1. Hand-write a legible and original letter of at least 50 words explaining why you like the MOI program and including your full name, full address including postal code, phone number, and e-mail address.
2. Present it along with your MOI card, during the Contest Period, at the service counter of a Participating Store. A representative of the Participating Store will validate your letter and give you an entry form.
3. You may also mail the letter with sufficient postage to: Marketing Brunet at 245 rue Jean Coutu, Varennes, J3X 0E1, so that it is received at least ten (10) days before Contest End. Your letter will be validated by a representative of the Organizer and an entry form will be mailed to you.
4. Take a chance to win big !
Draw date: May 9, 2025
Rules available here and in particpating stores.