10 golden rules for youthful-looking skin

Cindy Laverdière, beauty blogger

Youthful, beautiful skin doesn’t happen by chance; it takes some work. No matter what type of skin your parents have, your genes are only a small part of the equation. As the years go by, the signs of aging start to affect your body and skin is no exception. Thankfully, there are easy ways to slow down the aging process and prevent damage to your skin. That’s because damage can also be caused by a wide range of factors such as sun exposure, your diet, and stress. Factors that, contrary to your DNA, you can easily control. Follow these tips and take the first step toward youthful-looking skin.

golden rules for youthful-looking skin

How to slow down skin aging


Clean your skin (with the proper cleanser!)

Petit rappel amical : les lingettes démaquillantes, on les garde pour les soirs de paresse ou pour les voyages. Il ne s’agit pas d’un équivalent au bon vieux nettoyage, loin de là! Les lingettes peuvent laisser des résidus, en plus d’empêcher vos doigts de vraiment toucher votre visage. Pourquoi est-ce que le contact des doigts est si important? Un léger massage de la peau procure non seulement un nettoyage en profondeur, mais il stimule aussi la circulation sanguine et améliore le teint.

"The most efficient way to clean your face is to use a gentle cleanser adapted to your skin type. The goal is to get rid of sweat, excess sebum, makeup and dirt accumulated on your face throughout the day without removing essential oils."

The most efficient way to clean your face is to use a gentle cleanser adapted to your skin type. The goal is to get rid of sweat, excess sebum, makeup and dirt accumulated on your face throughout the day without removing essential oils.

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À la recherche d'un démaquillant pour peau sensible? 💧 Optez pour la lotion @kloranecanada, riche en eau florale de bleuets aux propriétés apaisantes. #lotiondémaquillante #eauflorale #bleuet

Une publication partagée par Brunet (@brunet_officiel) le


Use a cream formulated with retinol two or three times a week.

Why it works: Vitamin A derivatives (such as retinol) are a great ally in the fight against wrinkles, age spots and acne. Retinol accelerates cellular renewal to exfoliate and reveal healthier, youthful-looking skin. Your skin might become dry, irritated and start to peel more than usual. Don’t give up! The results can take up to four weeks to become apparent.

"Retinol accelerates cellular renewal to exfoliate and reveal healthier, youthful-looking skin."

Be gentle. Start by applying creams or serums formulated with retinol twice a week (a very thin layer before you apply your day or night cream), then progressively increase the frequency until you use it daily, morning or night on clean, dry skin.


Protect yourself from the sun.

UV rays damage DNA cells and increase your risk of skin cancer. UV rays can also deteriorate the collagen in your skin, which results in premature signs of aging. Because even on a cloudy day the sun doesn’t take a vacation, remember to always apply  sunscreen. Make it a habit, and use cream with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher before stepping outside.


Hydrate your skin.

Just like your body needs at least 1.5 litres of water on average every day to function, your skin needs moisture to stay refreshed and healthy. Apply a moisturizer that’s specifically designed for your skin type, especially on areas exposed to the sun.


Eat healthy.

A healthy, balanced diet as suggested by Canada’s Food Guide is an essential way to help keep your skin healthy and maintain its youthful appearance. Make sure to get your daily allowance of vitamins and minerals by consuming foods rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. Eat a lot of bright fruits, green vegetables and fatty fish such as salmon. Avoid or reduce your intake of fatty or sugary foods. The quality of your diet is in some ways apparent on your skin.


Stop smoking.

Just like the sun, tobacco is an important factor that contributes to premature skin aging. It causes wrinkles to appear more quickly because it deteriorates the skin’s elastic fibres. Moreover, cigarettes make your complexion dull and uneven.


Get moving!

Exercising is beneficial for your body as well as your skin. Physical activity will also make you feel good, improve the quality of your sleep and reduce your stress levels.



Stress can contribute to making your skin appear older more quickly. A few relaxation methods such as meditation and massage can help you prevent and fight stress.


Get enough sleep.

Adopting a good sleep schedule will help your body recuperate. On average, an adult needs eight hours of sleep every night. Quality sleep contributes in several ways to keeping your skin healthy and beautiful.


Be demanding.

Choose your beauty products (including those you use for cleaning and moisturizing your skin) with lots of care. You’ll be glad you’ve chosen high-quality products adapted to your needs. To find ones that match your skin type, ask your Brunet beauty consultant to help you get youthful-looking skin.

My favourite product:


Cindy Laverdière  |   Follow my blog

For me, beauty is all about well-being. That’s why my beauty routine is composed primarily of natural ingredients that are gentle on my skin and on the environment. I'm addicted to coffee, Wi-Fi, maxi dresses and lemon pie. A product I can’t live without? Concealer. A must-have for the new mom that I am!

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10 golden rules for youthful-looking skin

Youthful, beautiful skin doesn’t happen by chance; it takes some work. No matter what type of skin your parents have, your genes are only a small part of the equation. As the years go by, the signs of aging start to affect your body and skin is no exception. Thankfully, there are easy ways to slow down the aging process and prevent damage to your skin. That’s because damage can also be caused by a wide range of factors such as sun exposure, your diet, and stress. Factors that, contrary to your DNA, you can easily control. Follow these tips and take the first step toward youthful-looking skin.
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